Blog > Winter is Coming: How New Orleans Residents Can Prepare Their Home Security for the Season

Winter is Coming: How New Orleans Residents Can Prepare Their Home Security for the Season

Article Excerpt:

Winter is a beautiful season but it comes with its own set of challenges. For New Orleans residents, making sure that your home is prepared for winter means a lot of things. One of the most important things that you need to take care of is your home security. In this blog post, I will [read more...]

Winter is a beautiful season but it comes with its own set of challenges. For New Orleans residents, making sure that your home is prepared for winter means a lot of things. One of the most important things that you need to take care of is your home security. In this blog post, I will provide you with practical December home maintenance checklist tips to help you get your home security ready for the winter season.

Feature photo by Cheryl Gerber.

December Home Maintenance Checklist:

Winter is not just about cozy nights and hot chocolate. It can also bring harsh weather conditions such as freezing temperatures, strong winds, heavy snowfall and even power outages. All these factors can put your home security at risk. Here’s how you can prepare your home for any potential dangers:

1. Inspect and Upgrade Your Doors and Windows:

The winter season means colder temperatures and this may bring new security vulnerabilities to your home. One of the best ways to ensure that your home is protected is by upgrading your doors and windows. You should inspect the seals and replace them if needed. Installing a deadbolt lock on your doors, and upgrading your window locks, will help to keep burglars or intruders at bay.

december home maintenance checklist

2. Install an Outdoor Security Camera:

Adding an outdoor security camera can help you keep an eye on what is happening around your property. It’s an effective deterrent against burglars or intruders. With advanced technology, you can easily connect your camera to a smartphone or tablet. This means that you can monitor your home’s surroundings while you are away or tucked up inside on chilly winter evenings.

Utilize Smart Home Technology

Smart home technology continues to evolve, giving homeowners ways to control lighting, locks, thermostats and more with just a few taps on their smartphone or tablet. This type of technology offers an extra layer of security that prevents burglars from entering your home without anyone noticing. Plus, with motion detectors built into the system, your home can send you notifications when something unexpected is happening.

3. Install Motion-Activated Lights:

Another way to improve your home’s security this season is by installing motion-activated lights outside of your home. This will startle intruders just as they approach your property. They will illuminate anyone who comes near your home without your permission. This will not only make your home appear less attractive for potential burglars but also help you avoid any slips or falls that can cause serious injuries. Additionally, motion-activated lights will also help to light up your path in the evening which can be especially beneficial when you are walking up to your door.

Bonus Tip! Set light timers

When you’re away this December, make sure to install smart plugs throughout your home to illuminate it during the evenings. By simulating an occupied house with intermittent lighting, you can deter potential burglars from entering. It’s a clever way to enhance security and create the impression that your home is occupied.

4. Maintain Your Home’s Exterior:

Taking care of your home’s exterior is an important part of a December home maintenance checklist. Maintain your yard by trimming bushes and trees. Make sure that there are no hazards around your property, like broken steps or railings. Also, it’s important to ensure that your driveway and sidewalks are free of snow and ice. Plus, being diligent with home maintenance can also help in detecting any potential problems before they turn into larger issues.

5. Check Your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors:

A house fire or carbon monoxide leak can be catastrophic at any time of the year. But they can be especially dangerous during winter when you need your appliances to work the most. Make sure your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors have working batteries. You don’t want to be caught off-guard in a crisis situation.

Ordinary smoke and carbon monoxide detectors offer limited protection. You’re safer with detectors that work with your security system. Learn more about and APS offerings here.

december home maintenance checklist

Winter Safety: Protect Your Home with a December Home Maintenance Checklist

Winter is a beautiful season, but don’t let its charm blind you from taking necessary safety measures. From upgrading your doors and windows to installing motion sensors at your property, there are a number of ways to protect your home during the coldest months of the year. Apart from following the December home maintenance checklist tips mentioned above, also consider completing your December Home Maintenance and Safety Checklist so that you are well-prepared for any unexpected challenges the winter may bring. Stay safe and enjoy the beauty of winter with complete peace of mind. To schedule your free home security consultation call APS today! 

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